Stress and its Negative Impact on Your Hormone Balance

Photo Credit: Alexander Mils

Photo Credit: Alexander Mils

In my last blog post we discussed the negative consequences stress can have on our bodies. Today we’ll explore how stress specifically impacts our hormones.

First, we’ll talk about what hormone problems look like. I’ve spoken with a lot of people who suspect there is a problem with their hormones. Here are some symptoms of unbalanced hormones. If you suspect this may be your issue, I encourage you to seek natural treatment, even if your blood work isn’t showing anything concerning (more on this later).

 1.     You have a hard time losing or gaining weight.

2.     Hair growing in places it shouldn’t (for women this would be on your face).

3.     You are a man and you have developed breast tissue.

4.     You are an adult with bouts of periodic acne.

5.     You have painful periods/cramps/PMS symptoms/irregular periods/spotting between periods.

6.     You have digestive issues (frequently constipation, but can be diarrhea). While this isn’t necessarily hormone-specific, it can be.

7.     You have migraines/regular headaches.

8.     Your lateral 1/3 of your eyebrows are thinning, or your hair is thinning and you don’t know why.

9.  You have blood sugar fluctuations when you don’t regularly eat (hello, hangry friend!).

10.  You are overly emotional about everything (yes those kitty commercials count).

11.  You have beginnings of osteoporosis/osteopenia.

12.  If you have PCOS/Endometriosis/infertility.

13.  If you have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes or diabetes and your blood sugar is not your best friend.

14.  Etc.

These are just some of the signs that your hormones may not be functioning well.

So you might be asking, how does stress play into all of this?

Well, I’m glad you asked!

When we’re stressed, we release a stress hormone called cortisol. When we are stressed over the long term and this hormone is continuously released, it is toxic for our bodies. Here is how it impacts our hormones.

·      It impacts the way your Thyroid Stimulating Hormone secretes from your brain (this causes issues with the thyroid ). Read more about how to naturally help your thyroid here.

·      LH/FSH (reproductive hormones) secretion from your brain diminishes, which will negatively impact your ovaries and reproductive organs.

·      You get insulin resistance (pre-diabetes).

·      You get depressed/anxious (can’t think straight/brain fog).

·      Sleep issues (falling or staying asleep).

·      Chronic infections/frequently getting sick.

·      Water retention/feeling bloated. It PROMOTES you retaining your fat (can’t lose weight).

·      Increases your blood cholesterol levels.

·      It promotes osteoporosis as well as reduces bone mass.

·      Predisposes you to heart disease.

·      And more.

THIS is how stress impacts our hormones directly and why it’s IMPERATIVE to address stress.

In my chiropractic clinic, I work extensively with men and women who have hormone imbalances ALL the time, even if their blood work demonstrates perfect hormone balance. It’s not enough to simply take hormone supplements and think that it solves your issues (it does not). This is like putting a Band-Aid on the real issue. Your blood work may look normal but your body continues to deteriorate and be damaged unless you address the root cause of your stress! How do we do it? We do functional assessment utilizing muscle testing (a neurological feedback mechanism system which tests for predispositions/weaknesses in the body before they become disease), to figure out where the stress is coming from and how best to remove it, so that it STOPS impacting your body. You might not always FEEL stressed, but if you are showing signs of stress, and not just emotional stress (see first post), then you definitely need to address how your body physically is being impacted because long term cortisol (stress hormone) secretion in the body is toxic and can produce massive damage and predispose you to disease.

If you are struggling, reach out! I’m here to help!

Stay tuned for the next blog post on stress and how it impacts our emotions and how best to address it!

Dr. Veronika Vlasov is a chiropractor and natural health doctor located in Elmhurst, IL. To set up an appointment or reach out for more information, visit the schedule now page.