
Conditions Dr. Vlasov can help with:

  • Neck pain

  • Back pain

  • Low back pain

  • Extremity pain

  • Herniated discs

  • Sciatica

  • TMJ dysfunction

  • Headaches

  • Digestive dysfunction

  • Gallbladder complaints

  • Detoxification

  • Pre and post operative rehabilitation

  • Heart Burn

  • Mood disorders(Depression and Anxiety)

  • Diabetes

  • Painful periods

  • Hormone imbalance

  • Reproductive complaints

  • Support fertility 

  • Athletic performance

  • Stress management

  • Allergies

  • Thyroid disease

  • Fatigue

  • Increased sports performance

  • Wellness care

Services that Dr. Vlasov offers


Chiropractic adjustments consist of the manipulation of the spine, jaw, feet, hands and any other joints of the body. Adjustments typically go hand in hand with soft tissue mobilization. Chiropractic adjustments allow for proper nervous system activity by removing blocks which constrict the spine from proper movement, preventing the nerves from supplying the appropriate muscles, joints even vital organs. Typically, chiropractic adjustments involve a quick thrust manually, by hand to an appropriate joint.  At times, Dr. V also uses an activator technique and pelvic blocking to help remove restrictions in a gentler way. This can be effective in females, children, and individuals who do not care for the “popping” noise of a manipulation. By removing blocks to healing we allow the joints of the body, and consequently, the nervous system, to relay information properly from one area of the body to the other, providing functional healing environment which can impact any condition.

Dr. Vlasov can manipulate more than just the spine. She also addresses common joints such as the Temporomandibular joint (TMJ). This area is commonly restricted, causing headaches in patients. By addressing not only the TMJ joint itself but the muscles around it, Dr. V allows the patients to find relief from this very painful condition.

Not only does she address the TMJ and the spine, she also manipulates joints such as feet, ankles, hips hands, wrists, elbows and shoulders if there is a complaint in those areas.


Dr. Vlasov is a functional medicine doctor. That means she seeks to help patients function optimally. Some doctors view blood work and testing to determine whether you have pathology or disease. When evaluating blood work and other testing, Dr. V searches for any impairment to your function, then looks to remedy the root cause of the problem. Frequently, a patient can have a functional problem for years, without it showing up as disease or pathology on blood work.

Most patients experiencing functional issues who come in with “normal” blood work either do not have a sufficient number of markers tested (not enough ordered) or their provider doesn’t read for overall health trends.

Take thyroid testing, for example. To do a comprehensive panel, you need to test TSH, free T3, free t4, rT3, and typically a series of thyroid antibodies to rule out autoimmunity. The standard of care by many doctors is to simply test TSH and T4, which misses a lot of elements of a potential thyroid issue. This type of testing can result in years of unanswered symptoms and suffering for patients. Another great example is that of blood sugar dysregulation. When we only test fasting glucose we can miss years of elevated insulin levels, which contributes to weight gain, fatigue, sleep issues, mood issues, fertility issues, etc.

Functional medicine approaches each patient from an optimal function approach. This means that the ranges we evaluate are much tighter and the results are much better. We typically can catch issues many years before they become pathology and give answers to patients who’ve been struggling with unanswered symptoms.

Applied Kinesiology

Applied Kinesiology (AK) utilizes the art of muscle testing to evaluate for structural, biochemical, and mental/emotional dysfunctions in the body. Muscle testing uses manual muscle techniques and the body’s neurological biofeedback mechanism to identify the imbalances. By finding the weakest link in the body and correcting it, Dr. Vlasov helps create a proper balance in the body so that it can ultimately heal from within. AK is a non-invasive and effective way to evaluate the body utilizing the connection of particular muscle groups with certain organ systems. This allows the physician an inside perspective via viscerosomatic innervation found inherently in the nervous system. By finding and correcting specific dysfunction, the practitioner is able to take an individualized approach to patient care. Corrections may include chiropractic manipulation, soft tissue work, reflex point corrections, cranial manipulation, acupuncture treatment, emotional techniques, lifestyle counseling and evaluation, including any dietary changes, environmental stressor identification, nutritional support and many more.

 Total Body Modification

Total Body Modification (TBM) was founded by Dr. Victor L. Frank and was first taught in 1978 as a comprehensive approach to treating the human body. It utilizes specific systems of reflexes throughout the body to identify and correct disturbances. The correction is performed using activator technique. TBM largely focuses on the concept that if the right treatment is done to the body in an appropriate way, and at the right time, miracles can occur. By correcting specific systems the practitioner is able to restore function to the body’s biocomputer and restore the communication within.

Nutritional counseling and support including herbs and vitamins

Dr. Vlasov’s philosophy is that healing occurs from within if you give the body appropriate elements. It is necessary to fix underlying disturbances instead of simply managing symptoms. It is commonly found that chronic inflammation is caused by the foods we are consuming or by deficiencies in minerals or vitamins. This can predispose us to chronic illness. Therefore, it is imperative to address the root cause of issues by recommending proper lifestyle changes alongside pure and high quality supplementation. It is imperative to provide the body with appropriate building blocks for healing.

Neuro-Emotional Technique

Do you ever overreact to simple life situations? Like a small conflict with a friend or a loved one? Do new relationships and commitment intimidate you? Do you tend to retreat when you should engage? Are you suffering from chronic pain which does not seem to have a specific cause? Or chronic headaches? Hormone imbalances?

If any of this sounds familiar it is because your body and brain have learned patterns of behavior, similar to a roadmap for cars, on how to proceed with life based upon your past experiences. These experiences can cause both emotional as well as physical issues within our bodies. When you find yourself in a similar situation, you get triggered. This not only affects you emotionally, it can have physical impact. But Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET) can help.  

How does it work?

This technique works with the body’s nervous system and neurological pathways to help relieve stress in both the present and from the past.

NET helps to practically and simply identify the underlying stress patterns. It utilizes acupuncture systems and allows the practitioner to help to neutralize the stress pattern. This leads to extinction of the stress response at the stimulus (old memory). NET not only helps you with emotional patterns and trauma, but oftentimes it helps with physical pain that is related back to an emotional event that might have happened years ago. Learn more about how Neuro-Emotional Technique can help you.

*Disclaimer: As a chiropractic physician, Dr. Vlasov cannot claim to “treat” any of the above conditions. By re-establishing the foundation of health there is often resolution of ailing symptoms.