Stress and its Severe Impact on the Body

Photo Credit: Abigail Keenan

Photo Credit: Abigail Keenan

So, let’s be honest, we’re all stressed in some form of another. We inherently KNOW that stress is bad for us, but do we really know HOW bad stress is for our bodies? 

Even those of us who don’t “feel” stressed can show signs of stress in our bodies. The word “stress” simply means too much burden for the body to handle. So, it starts to compensate in unhealthy ways. Stress isn’t just related to work or relationships, though it definitely can be. Here are some other stressors we have in our lives which can cause similar symptoms in our body: mental/emotional stress from present events or past events (your childhood trauma and painful experiences), chemical stress (foods that you put into your body that are unhealthy and harmful), toxins (which we cannot get away from in our environment, in our atmosphere, in our drinking water, etc.), structural (our bodies are not moving in the way that they are designed because of muscle imbalance, joint dysfunction, spinal misalignment, etc.), electromagnetic (put down your phone and computer), etc.

You start to get it; stress can look very different for different people and the physical implications of it will also look very different to each person based on their health history, genetics etc. Stress, no matter what area, will impact your body the same way. It will raise your cortisol levels (which is your stress hormone) and longterm cortisol release is toxic to your body!

 So, in general how does ‘stress’ look like and how does it impact our bodies:

·      Suppresses our thyroid function

·      Suppresses our reproductive hormone function

·      Causes glaucoma, cataracts, vision issues

·      Causes GI disease: ulcers, crohns, ulcerative colitis, IBS, IBD….etc

·      Increases fatty liver disease

·      Causes insulin resistance

·      Causes blood sugar dysregulation (hello diabetes and pre-diabetes)

·      Increases fatty acid production (hello elevated cholesterol levels)

·      Promotes abdominal fat

·      Makes you retain fluids

·      Increases blood pressure

·      Makes you crave carbs and sugars and fats

·      Causes osteoporosis

·      Causes skin issues

·      Suppresses immune system

·      Lowers your libido

·      Causes chronic disease like heart disease, hormone imbalances, kidney disease, arthritis, cancer and so on.

·      And plenty more.

 Sound familiar?

 Over the next few weeks I want to talk about the following topics as it relates to stress:

1.     Stress and your hormones

2.     Stress and your past emotional trauma

3.     Stress and your gut health

4.     Stress and your brain function

5.     How to naturally deal and stop stress

I’ll also touch on what we can do to limit the impact of stress and prevent it from occurring. I look forward to you following along!

Dr. Veronika Vlasov is a chiropractor and natural health doctor located in Elmhurst, IL. To set up an appointment or reach out for more information, visit the schedule now page.